Shootin' Straight From The Hip

This is a good introduction to a program on witnessing.

Super cool walks out on the stage with the Bible held nearly out of sight.

At center stage he turns his back to the audience and his Bible held behind him in this pose.
Hold the pose for a few moments to make the impact.

He spins around in a commanding manner positioning himself so that the Bible is held low and aimed at the audience. Make sure the aiming is commanding rather than fearfully defending.

Hold pose a moment for impact before speaking.

Speak slowly, clearly and in a commanding manner.

Super Cool Reader: The Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword ... it discernes the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Pastor Del Ray did something very similar to this on his television show. Thanks, Del Ray, for sharing a great idea.

Scripture is from Hebrews 4:12.