The Welcome

  • Bob - hippy or street person
  • Amy - Christian excited to tell others about Jesus
  • 2 Deacons

  • Set up one side of the stage as the door to a church. One actor will stand at each side of the door.
  • Center stage is a street with a pay phone.
  • Bob's home is imagined but never seen at the opposite side of the stage from the church.

  • Paperback Bible in Good News or some other modern translation.
  • 3 traditional style rather large Bibles
  • White shirt, jacket and tie to fit Bob
  • Change for the phone

  • Bob - Begins in hippy style or 'street' person outfit. Needs a removable pony tail, a clean white shirt and tie.
  • Amy - Casual dress
  • Deacons - very traditional Sunday Morning dress

    (Bob and Amy enter from opposite sides of the stage walking toward each other. Amy is carrying a paperback Bible)

    Amy: Hi! Bob.

    Bob: Amy? Is that you? You look different.

    Amy: Different, how?

    Bob: I don't know. Happy, I guess.

    Amy: I am happy, Bob. The most exciting thing has happened. I've given my life to Jesus. I'm a brand new person now.

    Bob: Ol' Amy girl has gone and got religion, huh?

    Amy: Not exactly. Religion is something people make up about God. I have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

    Bob Well, whatever. It does look good on you though!

    Amy: Bob, I have a Bible I'd like you to read. Can I give it to you?

    Bob: Yea, I guess so.

    Amy: (opens the Bible, pretends to write in it and then shows the writing to Bob) That's a good place to start reading, Bob.

    Bob: OK, thanks, I guess.

    Amy: Bob, please promise you'll read it. It's really important.

    Bob: I promise.

    Amy: Promise you'll start today.

    Bob: Yes, Amy, I'll start today. Good to see you again, Amy.

    Amy: Bye, Bob. Remember your promise, please.

    (Amy and Bob go offstage in different directions.)

    (Bob, Bible under his arm, runs on stage going directly to the telephone. He's so excited about his call that he drops change and fumbles with the phone. He dials and waits a few moments for an answer.)

    Bob: Amy! Guess what! I met Jesus! (pause)
    Not Amy? Wrong number?
    Sorry I bothered you but while I have you on the phone, have you read the Bible? (pause)
    There's some really good stuff in there. You otta read it!
    Bye, God bless.
    (starts to count change then looks up in excitement)
    Wow! I just told somebody about Jesus! That's what Jesus said to do!
    (counts more change and makes another phone call.)
    Amy, is that you? (pause)
    Guess what Amy - I just gave my life to Jesus. (pause)
    Yes, it's really great Amy. Thank you for telling me. Bye
    (alarmed) No! Not Bye! Amy please don't hang up. Are you there? (pause)
    Good! Amy, you've got to tell me.
    What do I do now that I'm a Christian.
    Wait! Don't tell me til I get my pencil out.
    (gets out a pencil and pad.) OK, talk.
    (writes while he talks) Read my Bible, OK, got that.
    Pray. That part is really great. Imagine ME talking to GOD! (pause)
    (stops writing and looks alarmed)
    Do what? (pause) Go where? (pause) Are you sure?
    (writing again) Go to church.
    That's pretty drastic but if you say so, I'll do it.
    Bye, Amy. Thanks for telling me about Jesus.(hangs up phone)
    (begins walking toward the church)

    (Deacons move into position on each side of the door. As Bob gets closer, they move toward each other making sure there is no room for him to get through.)

    Bob: Excuse me, I'd like to go into the church. You see, I've just...

    Deacon 1: Sorry, you can't come in here looking like that.

    Bob: But sir, I'm a new Christian. My friend, Amy, told me it is very important for me to go to church.

    Deacon 2: (speaking sternly) Well son, go cut your hair and come back next Sunday looking respectable.

    (Deacons shake heads and show distaste for Bob and his kind.)
    (Bob walks sadly back toward home and leaves the stage long enough to lose the pony tail.)

    (Bob - now with no pony tail - returns to the church carrying his paperback Bible.)

    Deacon 1: Back again?

    Bob: Yes, I'm ready to worship the Lord.

    Deacon 2: (speaking to Deacon 1) There's no way!

    Deacon 1: Right, you can't worship God in that outfit. God requires a clean white shirt, a tie and a jacket. Narrow lapels preferred.

    Deacon 2: That's right. And there is no way that jewlery is going to come in this church.

    (Bob turns, disappointed and walks back across the stage and off stage for a quick change. Put a coat, shirt and tie on - don't worry about the jeans - and take off the earring and necklaces.)

    (Bob - now in 'church dress' - returns to the church. He is carrying his paperback Bible.)

    Bob: Hello again. I'm in uniform now. May I come in and worship?

    Deacon 1: Well, the clothes are better but you can't come to church without a Bible.

    Bob: (shows him the paperback) No problem! I've brought my Bible - I don't go anywhere without it.

    Deacon 2: (distainfully) That son, is not the REAL Bible.

    Bob: What do you mean? My friend Amy gave it to me. I read in it about Jesus and now He's my Friend and Savior.

    Deacon 1: That paperback stuff may be alright for street ministries but here in the church we use the ORIGINAL Bible. If you want to come here, you need to bring the King James Bible - the REAL thing!

    Deacon 2: We prefer that the words of Jesus be shown in red and that the Bible include a concordance, maps and a Bible dictionary.

    (Showing extreme disappointment, Bob goes back across the stage and offstage.)

    (Bob hurries back to the church carrying the biggest KJV Bible around. As he nears the church he begins to wave the Bible and smile at the Deacons.)

    Bob: I've got it! I've bought the biggest King James Bible in the store! I'm ready to worship!

    Deacon 1: Sorry son, you can't come in.

    Bob: I don't understand. I'm a new Christian and I need to come in to worship my God. I've done everything you said. I cut my hair, bought a suit like yours and a Bible like yours.

    Deacon 2: Son, you don't understand. We just don't want your type in here.

    Deacon 1: Nothing personal. It's just that you would never fit in. It's best we let you know that right now.

    Deacon 2: That's right. Sorry for the trouble you've gone to. (Very disapponted, Bob walks to center stage and falls to his knees)

    Bob: Father, I don't understand. The Bible tells me to meet with other believers. I'm trying to do what You said. I've done everything they asked and they still won't let me in? What am I doing wrong?

    (Bright spotlight from above shines on Bob)

    Voice of God: Don't worry, My son. You have done nothing wrong. I've been trying to get in there since they built the place. They won't let me in either.

    (Reader walks to center stage and stops just to the side of where Bob is kneeling standing between Bob and the Deacons. Look at the deacons and then read from the Bible.)

    Reader: Jesus said, "How terrible it will be for you, teachers of the law and Pharisees! You pretenders! You shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter. And you will not let those enter who are trying to."
    Author's note: This play may be printed, copied, performed and used to the Glory of God. If you use it in any published collection, (print, on-line, etc.) please include this URL along with the information that this and other plays are available at no charge.